What They Said...

The Mermaid's Mission

"This short novella was a very smart and spicy tale with an twist. The combination of the paranormal creatures of the water with the cause and effects of urban expansion on the environment was skillfully written and entertaining."  Hockeyvamp, Bitten By Books

The Gladiator's Woman

"The Gladiator's Woman is a wonderful story. The characters, scenes and time period are rich in romance and history. Scipio and Collina are breathtaking. Scipio is surprisingly charming for such a battle hardened warrior. Collina knows what she wants and goes for it, but she still has a very tender heart. I enjoyed The Gladiator's Woman very much. I wish it were longer though. I would love to see where life takes Collina and Scipio."  Nanette, Joyfully Reviewed

"The Gladiator’s Woman is a story of love and sacrifice. Collina knows that her place is by Scipio’s side. Scipio has to decide which is more important freedom or a future with Collina. It would have been appreciated if the author had included words not common to this time period placed in a glossary or explained them within the book itself. But overall the story is sweet and sensual."  Scandalous Minx, Literary Nymphs Reviews

"This was obviously a well-researched book. It would have been nice to have a short glossary for the few words that were unfamiliar. Even so, it was fairly easy to determine their meaning from context. This glossary is now available on the author's blog."  SamanthaAnn, Night Owl Reviews

"The Gladiator's Woman is a short, spicy bite of life during Roman times. Scipio is a very sweet talking gladiator and sweeps Collina off her feet, the dialogue flowing like poetry. Although this is an erotic romance, the sex scenes play a secondary role to the plot and characters. The ending is not the happy, happy ending often found in romance stories, but is more true to the period. Fans of this time period won't want to miss The Gladiator's Woman."  Kimber, Fallen Angel Reviews

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